DCM Report 9/19/2022

Laura S.

Area Assembly was yesterday.

Delegate said they are going to do a new survey and she has 8 groups in our area that she has asked to participate so she will be doing that soon. She was given the names of the groups by GSO and she obviously can’t survey every group in the Area. So GSO has an algorithm that they use.

Under new business we talked about purchasing new technical equipment like microphones, projector and screen, and computer. The motion was to spend $2500 I amended it to say $4500 and the motion was tabled until the purchasers could get a more exact price.

Jon later motioned that we go ahead and give Gary (our communications chair) the $700 to get the microphones. He has been trying to get for over a year. The motion passed so now we can have the meeting and be able to hear what’s being said.

There was also a motion to give our treatment and accessibilities committee $700 to $900 to purchase books and literature for treatment center meetings. That motion passed

We also unanimously agreed on the budget for 2023

Cincinnati Intergroup voted in a new intergroup liaison named Maria and we got to hear her yesterday as well. She didn’t say much but it was her first time.

Area had a inventory breakout session and that went well.

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